Budgeting for Self-Care

It is that time of year when there seems to be a collective reset on all of your life goals. ‘Tis the season of vision boarding, budgeting, and bustin’ a move in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. What I love about this time of year is the opportunity and optimism to reinvent yourself - to dream audaciously & go for it! You are encouraged to reflect on the joys of life, all you have accomplished, moments to be grateful for, lessons learned, and the fact that you have survived 100% of your hardest days. What I don’t love so much is the barrage “life changing” quick-fix solutions, fitness influencers sharing thinly veiled self-loathing and body shaming content, and the idea that last year is was the worst. ever. (you ever notice that last one? like where did all the optimism go?)

2023 was a big year for me. Starting this business was an incredible feat, and there were many days I felt low & doubted myself. However, I remember getting to New Years and feeling like: if I can do this (start and run a successful business from scratch), I can do anything! If you read my last blog you will see a glimpse of what I have had to learn as an entrepreneur. All of that takes time, dedication, and sacrifice. In my year-end reflection, I came to the realization that all of my success in my first year of business did not come without a cost: my personal self-care. (I know, how ironic that I am in the business of self-care and my own self-care is the thing in question) This year I want to build habits and focus my intentions on building a life outside of my business that feels healthy and whole. That is where the topic of this blog comes in.

One of my walks on the ever so exciting treadmill, I was listening to NPR’s LifeKit, when I came across Rita-Soledad Fernandez Paulino, the creator of Wealth Para Todos. For her, the purpose of a budget is to create a life that feels nourishing. Here is how she does it:

  1. Conduct a Self-Care Analysis: what do you spend money on that is actually filling your cup?

  2. Reflect on your 7-Types of Self-Care*

    Dinero - doing things that take care of your finances

    Interpersonal - building/ maintaining healthy relationships

    Vocational - what helps us feel satisfied at work & PREVENTS burnout

    Emotional - the things/ people/ places that nurture our emotional health & supports mental well-being

    Restorative Body - activities that support physical health and vitality

    Spiritual - what connects us to our values and what gives our life purpose

    Environmental - living in a clean, organized, pleasing environment

  3. Ask yourself, what forms of self-care are going to make me feel the most WORTHY, POWERFUL, CAPABLE & RESILIENT?

Then comes the fun part:

  • Write down all your fixed expenses. Are there any changes you can make here?

  • Write down all your variable expenses & set a target of how much you want to spend on these. (this may include self-care!)

  • Make a plan to pay down debt

  • Save for both unexpected & upcoming expected expenses (this can also include self-care)

As you live into your budget, you want to adjust, adjust, adjust. Life happens, we get it. There may be seasons where the answers to some of these questions look different. That is okay. You are not a failure if you make a choice to adapt to your current circumstances.

2024, I am calling in balance and flow. I have set a monthly budget to invest in my own creative self-care. How will you invest in your own creative self-care? Let us know in the comments.

We hope That Art Party will make it onto your journal, goals, visionboards or wherever your commemorate your dreams.

*Fernandez Paulino’s 7 Types of Self-Care are inspired by one of my favorite authors, Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith. I can’t wait to read her newest book, Sacred Rest.


The Cost of Not Resting


When they call you little