Donate Donate Donate

Donate Donate Donate

My family says I could dance before I could walk. Those first steps turned into a lifetime of love for the arts, and especially my creative BIPOC family. In 2022, I quit my job to follow my dream: to become an arts entrepreneur bringing the transformative joy of art and play to my community. I believe so fully that when we, BIPOC folx, make art and play a ritual, we heal, we expand and transform from the inside out.

If you believe in me, the power of art, or the right for BIPOC artists to make a living, then please consider donating. Whatever it is, your support can make all the difference. That little girl who thought she would have to conform for the rest of her life, the one who thought her only value would be in how well she could selflessly raise others, she thanks you.


Donations support:

  • purchase of studio supplies

  • free play sessions for BIPOC adults

  • professional development such as: masterclass, local workshops & classes, professional network memberships